Water Scarcity & Contamination

Water scarcity and contamination is a major environmental issue in India. With over 1.3 billion people, the country faces an immense challenge when it comes to providing clean drinking water for its citizens. This problem has been exacerbated by climate change, with temperatures rising and rainfall decreasing across much of the country. As a result, freshwater sources are becoming increasingly scarce and contaminated with pollutants from agricultural runoff, industrial waste disposal practices, sewage discharge into rivers and lakes as well as untreated wastewater being released back into waterways after use in cities or townships.

The situation is particularly dire in rural areas where access to safe drinking water can be limited due to lack of infrastructure or resources such as electricity needed for pumping groundwater out of wells or other sources like rivers that may be polluted due to upstream activities like mining operations or other industries located nearby releasing contaminants into them on regular basis without proper treatment before release back into environment causing further pollution downstream too leading towards serious health hazards among local population consuming this contaminated water unknowingly unaware about any potential risks associated with it .

The government has taken steps over recent years towards improving access to clean drinking water through initiatives such as Swacch Bharat Abhiyan but more needs done if we are going tackle this growing crisis head-on especially since agriculture sector also heavily depends upon availability & quality of available freshwater sources which again stand threatened by increasing levels of contamination caused mostly because of improper management & inadequate regulations to ensure compliance from industries discharging their effluents into these bodies without following any prescribed standards set forthby relevant authorities concerned . 

In order for us make sure that our future generations have enough safe drinkable water available , there’s need for greater awareness among public regarding importance& value attached to having access clean freshwater source and also how they can help conserve it better through simple measures like using judiciously minimizing wastage whenever possible etc. We must also hold those responsible for polluting these precious resources accountable punishing them accordingly so that they think twice before engaging in unsustainable practices which only harm environmental balance in long run while offering no tangible benefits anyone involved with process either directly indirectly.

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