Proliferation of Weapons, Chemical and Biological

The spread of chemical and biological weapons is a major source of concern for the worldwide community. In comparison to nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons have spread more broadly, and international regulations prohibiting their development and deployment have not proven to be as effective. Despite multiple attempts to decrease or eliminate them, several governments continue to study and stockpile chemical weapon agents, but storing biological weapons is not viable over a long period of time.

The majority of nations have ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which mandated that all chemical weapons be destroyed by 2012. Six nations have reported chemical weapons stockpiles, while twelve have declared chemical weapons producing facilities. After the treaty came into effect, all of the declared production facilities were destroyed or put to use for civilian purposes. Following RCRA guidelines, the United States has destroyed roughly 90% of the chemical weapons stockpile it declared in 1997.

For the international community, dealing with chemical and biological weapons is a major concern. Some of the main political and technical issues that the larger Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) non-proliferation system is currently experiencing were identified in a report. The paper emphasises the necessity of an all-encompassing strategy for CBW non-proliferation, which involves strengthening the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention, increasing national implementation of these treaties, and enhancing international cooperation and assistance.

In conclusion, the world community is very concerned about the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons. Despite several attempts to limit or eliminate them, many countries continue to study and stockpile chemical weapon agents, even though the majority of governments have ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention. In order to address the problems posed by chemical and biological weapons, the international community needs to take a comprehensive strategy to CBW non-proliferation.

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