Climate Change & Environment

Climate change and environmental degradation is an increasingly pressing issue in India. With the country’s population growing, so too does its demand for energy and resources. This has led to a significant increase in pollution, deforestation, water scarcity and other environmental problems that are having a devastating impact on both human health and ecosystems across the nation.

The primary causes of climate change include burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil or gas; deforestation; industrial activity; agricultural practices like excessive use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides etc.; air pollution from vehicles & industries etc., all leading to emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere resulting in global warming & climate change effects like extreme weather events (floods/droughts), rising sea levels etc.. The government has taken various steps towards reducing GHG emissions by introducing renewable energy sources such as solar power but much more needs to be done if we want to mitigate these impacts effectively.

In order to reduce emissions further it is important that people become aware about how their daily activities can contribute towards this problem – for example switching off lights when not needed or using public transport instead of personal vehicles would help reduce carbon dioxide emissions significantly! Additionally governments should focus on developing policies which promote sustainable development while taking into account social-economic aspects as well – this could involve incentivizing green technologies through tax breaks/subsidies among other measures which will encourage businesses & individuals alike towards adopting eco-friendly practices thus helping protect our environment from further damage due climatic changes caused by humans themselves!

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